This work aspired to improve the ability of forthcoming researchers to utilize near IR H2O absorption spectroscopy for thermometry with development of three best-case techniques: the design of novel high temperature sapphire optical access probes, the construction of a fixed-wavelength H 2O absorption spectroscopy system enhanced by an on-board external-cavity diode laser, and the creation of an architecture for a high-temperature and -pressure H2O absorption cross-section database. Each area’s main goal was to realize the best-case for direct absorption spectroscopy H2O vapor thermometry at combustion conditions.
Optical access to combustion devices is explored through the design and implementation of two versions of novel high-temperature (2000 K) sapphire immersion probes (HTSIPs) for use in ambient flames and gas turbine combustors.
The development and evaluation of a fixed wavelength H2O absorption spectroscopy (FWAS) system that is demonstrates how the ECDL allows the system to operate in multiple modes that enhance FWAS measurement accuracy by improving wavelength position monitoring, and reducing non-absorption based contamination in spectral scans.
The architecture of a high temperature (21000 K) and pressure (50 bar) database (HTPD) is developed that can enhance absorption spectroscopy based thermometry. The HTPD formation is developed by the evaluation of two approaches, a line-by-line (LBL) approach, where transition lineshape parameters are extracted from spectra and used along with a physics based model to allow the simulation of spectra over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, or an absorption cross-section (σabs) approach, where spectra generated from a high temperature and pressure furnace are catalog spectra at various conditions forming a database of absorption cross-sections that is then interpolated to provide a simulated absorbance spectra based on measured reference grade spectra. Utilizing near future reference grade H2O absorption spectra, generated by the Sanders Group by means of an ECDL and a high temperature and pressure furnace, a unique opportunity is taken to provide the research community with a database that can be utilized for optical thermometry.