Research on combustion diagnostics and sensor development is focused on a wide range of techniques to study combustion processes in-cylinder, as well as, in related systems such as engine aftertreatment systems. Diagnostic techniques include 2-D, line-of-sight, and point measurement techniques with measuring frequencies ranging from a few Hz up to 1 MHz. Diagnostics utilize pulsed and CW lasers with widely varying power levels, in addition to non-laser-based techniques utilizing broadband light sources or more conventional transducers. Quantities of interest for measurement include temperature, species concentrations, pressure, and velocity. The development of sensors based on various diagnostic techniques that are applicable for measurement and control of real systems is another important area of research in the center.
High-Speed Imaging
High-Speed Chemiluminescence Imaging
Broadband or filtered imaging of natural light emission from the combustion process is captured using a high-speed camera with appropriate exposure duration and frame rate to capture dynamics of combustion processes.

High-Speed Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF)
An Nd:YAG pulse-burst laser built at the ERC is used for high-speed PLIF imaging. High-speed PLIF allows dynamics of the combustion process to be resolved. Here PLIF of formaldehyde was performed during an autoignition event an the optical engine.