This year, there have been several professional society meetings that we, the engine community, participate in that have been cancelled. The ERC faculty and students had submitted papers to the SAE World Congress, Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS), and International Multidimensional Engine Modeling (IMEM). These papers are being presented via a series of web conferences and are available to watch using the links below:
SAE Presentations
- An Analytical Approach for Calculating Instantaneous Multilayer-Coated Wall Surface Temperature in an Engine, George Koutsakis and Jaal Ghandh
- Examining Lagrangian-Eulerian Spray Calculations via Volume-of-Fluid Simulations, M. Mason, R. Hessel, A. Ravindran, S. Kokjohn, and M.F. Trujillo
- Emissions Benefits of Group Hole Nozzle Injectors under Conventional Diesel Combustion Conditions, Babu, A., Staaden, D., Kokjohn, S., and Dempsey, A
- An Investigation of Real-Gas and Multiphase Effects on Multicomponent Diesel Sprays, F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D. Reitz
- Accelerometer-Based Estimation of Combustion Features for Engine Feedback Control of Compression-Ignition Direct-Injection Engines, Amezcua, E., Maldonado, B., Rothamer, D. , Kim, K., Kwown, C., Stefanopoulou, A.
- Establishing Thermal Stability in an Optically-Accessible CIDI Engine, Groendyk, M., Rothamer, D.
ILASS Presentations
- An Experimental and Computational Study on Triple Injection Strategies to Reduce Cold Start Diesel Emissions, Ross, T.W., Naser, N., and Kokjohn, S.L.
- Revisiting the Promise of Adaptive Mesh Refinement, C.W. Kuo and M.F. Trujillo
- Evaluating Surface Tension Schemes with Respect to High-Fidelity Atomization Simulations, A. Agarwal and M.F. Trujillo
- A Maximum-Entropy-Formalism for Secondary Droplet Breakup, C.W. Kuo and M.F. Trujillo
- CFD-Predicted Structures of Evaporating Single- and Double-Injection n-Dodecane Diesel Sprays, R. P. Hessel, R. D. Reitz, M. P. B. Musculus
- Fuel Cetane Number Sensitivity with Short Injection Compression-Ignition Direct-Injection Combustion, Groendyk, M., and Rothamer, D. A.